This Privacy Policy sets out how we process your personal data (we collect, use, store, protect
and disclose it). We also provide information about your rights as a data subject. STARKSIDA
UAB is a data controller and is responsible for the collection, use, disclosure, storage, and
protection of your personal information in accordance with the General Data Protection
Regulation, internal policies and regulations and applicable national law.

Identity and contact details of the controller
UAB Starksida, Pušyno 33A Postbox: 3, 92265 Klaipeda, Lithuania.
You can contact us:
Phone:. +370 60 650314

Categories of personal data
We process the following categories of your personal data:

  • Contact details – e-mail, telephone number, address, etc.
  • Digital data – cookies, IP address, use of websites and social networks and other data madeavailable to the public on the Internet.

How we get your data
We receive information about you from the following sources:

  • from your registration search completed on our website;
  • communicating with you by phone, e-mail;
  • from our internal databases;
  • from queries to different external databases.

How long do we store your data
We have the right and statutory obligation to collect all the data you provide to us. We collect
your information and store it for a maximum of 2 years after you have not performed any active
actions in the system. As we store data for another specific purpose, the retention period is
indicated in the specific purpose section of how we use your data. With your consent, we may
also agree on a different retention period.

To whom we disclose your data

We disclose your data only to the extent necessary and in the form necessary to achieve the
objectives set out in this Privacy Policy. Data is disclosed only to partners with whom we have
signed contracts protecting your rights in relation to the protection of your data. In some of us,
we have the right to disclose your data to public authorities (e.g. investigative bodies, tax
administrations, the State Data Protection Inspectorate, The Bank of Lithuania), but only in
compliance with the stated obligations.

Where do we process your data?
In order to carry out our activities, we must process your personal data in accordance with the
conditions set out in this Privacy Policy. We process your personal data in the EU, and in other
countries. If our service providers process your personal data in countries where the protection of
your rights is not guaranteed, we will carefully assess all circumstances and take appropriate
measures to ensure that your rights to proper processing of personal data are not violated. We
will ensure that you are able to exercise your rights and effective remedies.

How do we use your data?

  • we use your data for you to use the system;
  • we process your personal data in accordance with the requirements laid down in the legal acts as defined in the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data and other applicable acts;
  • we process your personal data in accordance with legitimate interests. Legitimate interests are the interests of our company that are necessary for our activities, information and system security (software to protect data loss, malware protection, network security). In order to ensure that our interests are in line with your interests, we carry out an assessment of the need for each processing operation based on a legitimate interest;
  • in accordance with our legitimate interest, we process your personal data in order to provide our products and services that best suit your needs;
  • in all cases, we take into account your interests and rights under data protection legislation when we process your personal data in accordance with our legitimate interest. Your privacy rights are always guaranteed by safeguards and are consistent with your rights and freedoms. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of our legitimate interest. If you wish to express your disagreement, please contact the contact details above. Please note that we can continue processing if, in the event of an assessment of our legitimate interest, it is consistent with your freedoms and rights. If your disagreement is motivated, we may suspend the processing of your data for the following reasons;
  • we may also collect and process your data with your consent. Your consent is voluntary and is required to carry out related processing operations for these purposes.

Your rights which we process:

  • You have the right to apply for your data processing: UAB Starksida Pušyno 33A, Postbox: 3, 92265 Klaipeda, Lithuania. You can contact us by e-mail:, phone: +370 60 650314
  • your applications are processed within one month;
  • you have the right to access your personal data at any time, the categories, sources, recipients, during the retention period and rights, including the right to receive a copy of your personal data,
  • you have the right to the portability of your data, which we process with your consent and which are processed automatically. We will provide you with data in an automated Readable Excel format document so that you can store it or disclose it to other service providers. You can also apply to provide your personal data to another controller, but we can only do so if the transfer is technically possible;
  • we update your personal data by asking you to review them when required by law. However, if you notice that any data we have about you is incorrect, you may request an inaccurate or incomplete data to be corrected. You may correct or supplement your personal data on the self- service website or by contacting us and providing correct or additional data. If the accuracy of your personal data is disputed, your processing may be limited to the period during which we can verify the accuracy of the data at your request;
  • you have the right to restrict the processing of your data. This means that we will store your data, but we will not use it. You also have the right to apply for the deletion of your personal data, but only in one of the following cases provided for by law:

1) your data is no longer needed to achieve the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise
processed; You have withdrawn your consent if your data is processed with your consent and
there is no other legal basis for processing the data;
2) you object to the processing of data based on our legitimate interest. We will restrict the
processing of data until your interests are confirmed; If the primacy of your rights is established,
we will delete your data at your request;
3) personal data must be deleted in order to comply with the requirements established by legal
acts; When data processing is illegal, you can request that the processing be restricted or the data
be deleted. If there are no grounds, we will not delete or restrict the processing of your data.
You have the right to object to a decision based solely on the automatic processing of your
personal data, including profiling.
You have the right to contact us at any time if you believe that we have violated your rights
under data protection law.

Cookies are small text files that are uploaded to your computer to collect standard online log
information and information about visitor behavior. This information is used, for example, to
monitor visitor activity on the website and to generate statistical reports on website activity. You
can set your browser to block cookies. However, some cookies are necessary for the user of the
website to use the information or other services provided by us during the login.

Cookie namePurpose of data
Moment of creationExpiry date
cookielawinfoA standard cookie is
used to support a user
At the time of entering
the page
until the website
window is closed
catAccCookiesThe cookie is used to
store information
about a cookie
warning that a user has
At the time of entering
the page
60 days
Slapuko PavadinimasDuomenų tvarkymo tikslas/paskirtisSukūrimo
-gaAn analytical Google Analytics cookie that
tracks user actions on the site. The data
obtained is used to improve the performance of the website
When a customer
visits a website
2 years
-gatAn analytical cookie from Google Analytics
that collects and stores information about user behavior on a website
During the first visit1 minute
-gidAn analytical Google Analytics cookie when choosing statistical information about a user (the cookie does not collect any personal data, but gives each user an iD based on their accounting). The data obtained is used to improve the performance of the websiteWhen a customer
visits a website
24 hours.
-NIDThe cookie is used by Google to display personalized advertising on Google’s company’s website depending on
the previous search.
When a customer
visits a website
6 months.
„Google Tag Manager“ and „Google Analytics“ Cookies:

How do I control cookies?

If desired, you can control and/or delete cookies. More detailed information is available at or You can delete all cookies already on your computer
and set most browsers so that cookies are not saved on your device.

However, please be informed that in this case you may need to manually change some options
each time you visit the website and some services and features may not work.